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3 Simple SEO Steps for Success

Last week Glenn Marvin and I hosted the no BS SEO workshop in Hawke's Bay.  We talked alot about Title Tags and Meta Descriptions and the importance of having these for every page of your website.  Three key areas to consider when looking at organic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for your site are summarised below:

  1. Content
  2. Links
  3. Google My Business

If you would like help on organically improving the SEO on your site, please get in touch.

Ensure your content is authoritative, informative and provides value

Did you know that Bill Gates coined the term Content is King in a 1996 essay he wrote? And this still rings true 22 years later as we near the end of 2018.

Now when we talk content, I am not encouraging you to write a whole pile of content for the sake of putting more content on your website.  If what you have to say doesn't require 5,000 words, then use 500 words. You need content that will provide value to your client or customer.

People are interested in who you are, who your business is and your story.  Explain what you offer, how you offer it and what people can expect.  Weave this in where you can, along with examples, testimonials, and case studies to illustrate your authority and experience in your industry.

Links add strength to your website

Please don't start by employing an SEO company to build backlinks to your site.  This is such an old school tactic that with worse case scenario will get your site shut down by Google.  

One place to start is by looking at the free online directories that you can list your business on. Consider the industry you are in, any affiliations that you have, if you are a stockist of a product request they place a link on their site to yours. 

You can also link between pages on your own website and link to blog articles you have written across your site too that cover the same content area.

By strategically linking content across your site, and consistently adding content of value you have begun your own link building strategy.

Google My Business

If you have not done so already create (and verify) your free Google My Business Page, this is worth the time it takes, and provides another link to your website. It is also a place for clients and customers to leave reviews, get directions to your location, share photos, post content, and more.  

If you need help getting your business listing on Google, please get in touch.


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