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A website makes business real

Get your business real

Are you a believer?

There's no two ways about it. A website makes business real:

  • People can find your business online
  • A professional presence that boosts business credibility
  • Showcase your product or service in a new selling medium
  • Build strong relationships with your market
  • Gain new clients with lead generation
  • Boost your reputation.

Get found online
By having your business contact details on your website (and creating a Google My Business page with the SAME details) it helps people be able to reach you easily.

A professional presence
Enhance your credibility by including an about page with your credentials, testimonials from satisfied customers, talk about your team, and include photographs of you and your business.

Showcase your product or service
Include a services page detailing what you are offering, and most importantly how it will benefit the prospective client. Educate your prospective client on your services and include a call to action to contact you.

Build strong relationships
Back in the old days websites were about sharing information, today prospective clients want to know your story, how and why you started your business, what you want to accomplish. They want to align their values with yours.

Lead generation
As an active or passive point in the sales funnel, your website can collate information on your target audience, how many people are visiting your site, top pages on your site (Google Analytics), which can be used for targeting. And it is also a place to collect details of prospective clients (leads).

Boost your reputation
Your website can host a blog, you can share your podcasts and YouTube videos on it, you can even put links to your social media channels or a Facebook and Instagram feed, and don't forget a sign up form to your email newsletter.  Your website is the atom of your business with all the protons, neutrons and electrons spinning around inside, keeping your content alive.

Ready to get real in your business? Perhaps your website needs a makeover or you've been thinking about one for a while but not taken the first step. Get in touch today and let's talk about how a new website will benefit your business.


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